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Maine Coon - Everything you need to know about the cat breed

Brief info on your cat's breed Maine Coon

Weight: Males 5 - 9 kg, females 3 - 5 kg
Wither height: Up to 40 cm
Energy level: Calm
Lifespan: 9 - 15 years
Social need: Medium/large
Colours: Comes in many different colours - for example white, black, blue, red, creme, brown, silver and tortoiseshell.
Health problems: Generally healthy but can suffer from the hereditary disease Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM).

Personality of a Maine Coon

The Maine Coon is a calm, friendly and social cat breed known for its large size. It likes human attention, is very sociable and gets along well with other animals and children. Their relaxed personality makes them work well both as indoor and outdoor cats. But at the same time, Maine Coons' appreciate a lot of play and need enough exercise and mental stimulation to feel good.

Looks and fur care of a Main Coon

The Maine Coon is a large, broad and muscular cat with pointed, large ears with tufts at the outer ends. The coat is long and thick but silky and easy to care for. This is because Maine Coons have very little undercoat and topcoat which is medium length. Therefore, tangles do not form so easily and it is enough to brush the cat's coat at least once a week to promote a healthy, shiny coat. Learn more about fur care on cats here.

Health problems in a Maine Coon

The Maine Coon cat breed does not have a great tendency to suffer from health problems. However, the hereditary disease Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) can occur in the breed. The disease leads to changes in the heart muscle of cats and to avoid that the predisposition to the disease is passed on, there is a health program for the cat breed.

Weight control

Obesity is a common problem among Sweden's cats today, and Maine Coons in particular have a tendency to become overweight. Being overweight means an increased risk factor for many common diseases among cats. You therefore need to help your cat maintain a healthy weight, learn more about it in the app course.

Oral health

Did you know you need to brush your cat's teeth? Brushing your cat's teeth daily is the best thing you can do to prevent your cat from getting periodontitis, learn more about it here. The dental disease FORL is common among cats and often occurs in connection with periodontitis. Brushing the cat's teeth can be a challenge, but with treats and a lot of patience, the cat will eventually get used to it. Learn more about how to brush your cat's teeth here. Learn more about cat dental care here.


There are a lot of things that are poisonous to cats that you may not have thought of before. An example of this is plants, learn more about which plants are poisonous to your cat here. Further examples of what is poisonous to cats are chocolate and mouse and rat poison. It's important to store things that are dangerous to cats in a place they can't get to.

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