Vomiting without diarrhoea in dogs
Dogs having vomiting without diarrhoea is not normal, but it can happen! The important thing to know is that this can be due to several reasons. For example, the dog may have eaten something inappropriate, suffered from gastric catarrh or eaten something stuck in the gastrointestinal tract.
Causes of vomiting without diarrhoea
As you can imagine, there are many different reasons why a dog can suffer from vomiting without diarrhoea, here we describe some examples.
The dog has eaten some type of inappropriate food
The dog has eaten an object stuck in the intestine
The dog is reacting to poisoning, medication or food
The dog has other organ-related problems
It can be difficult to know what to do when your dog vomits. The important thing to remember is that vomiting in your dog is not normal and you need to keep a close eye on your dog's general condition and whether it is retaining fluids. If you have a puppy that vomits, you need to remember that they are particularly vulnerable to dehydration - which they can suffer from when vomiting. Puppies may need veterinary help earlier than an adult dog.
If your dog has occasional vomiting without diarrhoea, while their general condition is unaffected and they are allowed to retain both food and water, you can try treating the dog at home. You can do this with a sponge diet which you can learn more about here.
Symptoms that need care
However, there are some symptoms that require you to see a vet immediately, these are:
If your dog has frequent vomiting that does not go away
If your dog has blood in his vomit
If your dog is not retaining water
If you suspect that your dog has eaten an object
If your dog has an affected general condition, or appears to have pain from the abdomen
If you are worried about your dog, or are unsure how to assess the above symptoms, it is always best toto contact and consult a veterinarian, even if the dog does not have any of the symptoms that require you to see a veterinarian. Remember, as a Lassie insurance customer you always have unlimited calls with digital vet.