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Castration of male cats

If you do not plan to use your male cat for breeding, it is a good idea to neuter your cat. Neutering a male cat is a relatively simple procedure. The cat is sedated and given a local anaesthetic or anaesthetised and the vet makes two incisions, one over each testicle and the blood vessels that have supplied the testicles are tied off. The incisions in the scrotum are left to heal openly and no stitches are needed when a male cat is neutered.

There are many benefits to neutering your male cat. The main benefit, regardless of gender, is that you avoid unwanted and unplanned kittens. Neutering eliminates the cat's sexual drive and the typical behaviour of your male cat. The cat often becomes calmer, more playful, more even-tempered and more affectionate. Neutering your cat can also mean a longer life as he stays at home more, is calmer and is less likely to get into fights.

You should neuter your cat when he is between 5-6 months old, or weighs at least 2kg. If you plan to neuter your male cat, you should do it early as the habit of urinating indoors does not always disappear after neutering.

Cryptorchid males are a rare occurrence. It means that one or both testicles are often smaller than usual and are located either in the groin or abdomen instead of the scrotum. Neutering is then more like the procedure in a female cat. The testicles are often not fertile but the behaviour of the cat may be the same as in a fertile cat and it is therefore a good idea to neuter your cat even if the procedure is more difficult.

After neutering, your cat may be tired and it is important to keep him indoors for the first while. It may be wise to let your cat rest for a few days after the operation, preferably in a dark and quiet room. Male cats do not usually lick the wound, but if he does, use a collar when you are not supervising him and check the wound daily to reduce the risk of infection.

Chemical neutering may sometimes be requested in male cats for possible mating later in life, but at present there is no preparation that has a guaranteed effect. There is also no guarantee that the cat will become fertile again and therefore many people choose not to use chemical neutering.

There is no law that says you as an owner have to neuter your cat, but in accordance with the new rules of the Swedish Board of Agriculture since 2020, outdoor cats should be neutered to avoid unplanned or unwanted mating. If you have a male cat that runs loose outside, you should therefore neuter the cat.

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